
Acomodo Propone Mejorar las Regulaciones del Alquiler Vacacional en Panamá

En un esfuerzo por equilibrar las necesidades del mercado de alquiler vacacional y las regulaciones gubernamentales, Acomodo ha presentado una propuesta para mejorar las normativas actuales en Panamá. Esta iniciativa busca crear un marco regulatorio que beneficie tanto a los propietarios como a los inquilinos, garantizando al mismo...

Cómo hablan en Panama?

Las curiosas palabras del español de Panamá que reflejan la histórica presencia de EE.UU. y el Canal en el país Marcos González Díaz CentroaméricaCuenta@BBCMundo FUENTE DE LA IMAGEN,GETTY IMAGES/BBC   Pie de foto, Tu cambio en...

Exploring the Hidden Wonders of Gamboa Rainforest in Panama

Nestled in the heart of Panama lies a tropical haven that's nothing short of enchanting – the Gamboa Rainforest. If you're a nature enthusiast or simply seeking an unforgettable adventure, this destination should be at the top of your travel list. Join us as we delve into a mesmerizing journey through the depths of the Gamboa Rainforest, where lush...

Experience the Magic of Kuna Yala in a Day

  Embark on a captivating day tour to Kuna Yala, a paradise along Panama's northeastern coast. Your adventure begins with a scenic drive through lush landscapes to reach the coast, where traditional wooden canoes await. Glide through crystalline waters to reach the Guna islands, each a masterpiece of turquoise shores and swaying palm...

Exploring the Rich Culture: Emberá Village

Nestled within the lush rainforests of Panama, the Emberá indigenous people have managed to preserve their centuries-old culture and way of life. Embarking on an Emberá village tour offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse oneself in the traditions, rituals, and natural beauty that define this unique community.   As you...

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